Pentatonix to the max, singing their daft Punk Medley. Kids are napping. I got a few moments to myself. First of, if you're reading this post, then welcome to my blog. Glad you could make it, grab a cup of tea (mine's right over there) and get comfy. Why this blog? Well, I just want a place where I can gather my thoughts and kind of boast of my achievements, even if I am the only one seeing them.
Clutter is the mindkiller, at least for me, so first and foremost, I plan on de-clutter my home. It was something that dawned upon me as I went berserk buying the kids Christmas presents, as I was "compensating" for the lack of presents from previous years due to tight finances. And it became crystal clear as I noticed that my kids don't even play with the toys I got them, unless I take the toys out of their bedroom, so they can play in the living room. I don't mind that, but the fact that their room contains so much STUFF that they are unable to play there. And it's not that it's messy or there is a lot of stuff, but it is more than a 2 and 4 year old can see through, so they get lethargic and don't want to play. So, first promise to myself and my family: Less toys. I still have a few gifts from my over buying this Christmas season and they are being saved for their birthdays. But no more toys. If anything, I'll get them bikes, clothes, a small pool or other things that they can use. They have enough toys and receive more than enough toys throughout the year. I guess this was one time that couponing got the better of me, and I bought too much because it was so cheap.
Which brings me to my other thing: I coupon. Well, a bit. Since we don't really eat a lot of the typical "crap" foods that is so common in the US, I have cut back heavily on my couponing. Coupons for fresh foods are harder to come by. But, also with the Christmas season upon us, apart from toy coupon shopping, my couponing fell on the wayside, and I need to get organized with it again, so we can save some money and get debt paid off.
And this segways great into my next theme: Organization. I need to organize. I have slowly started to organize my home, and it feels GREAT! Today, before I even considered starting a blog, I was cleaning up a kitchen cabinet, where we keep tea, cake decoration stuff, medicine and such. Just starting the day on a tidy note, helps me going through the day, even on off days like today. I suffer from wheat sensitivity as well as IBS, so with the Christmas season behind me, I ended up eating stuff I should not have eaten: Cookies. It left me feeling lethargic and with an upset tummy. Since it is not a full blown allergy, it's so easy to say: Just one, won't kill me. And it won't, but it sure makes me feel like c*ap for several days afterwards. It's now 2 days since my indescretion, and I'm slowly perking up.
What else to expect to read here? Well, how about gardening? I LOVE gardening, and I'm currently hating the -11C/13F outside right now. But, winter JUST begun, so my green thumbs will have to wait to dig into the soil. But that doesn't mean I can't blog about my garden prep.
So, there, a "short" introduction to what I and you can expect on my blog.
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